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Some more comments explaining what the convert function is about and why it is needed, would make understanding the formulas like "v*2*15/13*0.35" better.

Revision as of 20:59, 3 May 2022

Draft of modernized version for comments, before making version 1.2 out of it, any comments?

-- version 1.1.huhhila.1

mem.factor = mem.factor or 1

-- TODO actually use converted coordinates in table
local function c(v)
  return (v + 0)*5/4 + 3/8

local function c1(t)
  local r = {}
  for k, v in pairs(t) do
    r[k] = (k == "X" or k == "Y") and c(v) or k == "H" and v*2*15/13*0.35 or v
  return r

local function convert(t)
  local r = {}
  for _, v in ipairs(t) do
    table.insert(r, c1(v))
  return r

local function draw_touch()
 digiline_send("touch", convert({
  { command = "set", locked = true, real_coordinates = true, width = (10-1)*5/4+3/4+1, height = (8-1)*5/4+3/4+1 },
  { command = "clear" },

  { command = "add", element="button_exit",  name="xplus",   label="X+",  X=0, Y=0, W=4, H=1 },
  { command = "add", element="button_exit",  name="xminus",  label="X-",  X=0, Y=1, W=4, H=1 },
  { command = "add", element="button_exit",  name="yplus",   label="Y+",  X=0, Y=2, W=4, H=1 },
  { command = "add", element="button_exit",  name="yminus",  label="Y-",  X=0, Y=3, W=4, H=1 },
  { command = "add", element="button_exit",  name="zplus",   label="Z+",  X=0, Y=4, W=4, H=1 },
  { command = "add", element="button_exit",  name="zminus",  label="Z-",  X=0, Y=5, W=4, H=1 },

  { command = "add", element="button",  name="factorplus",  label="Factor+",   X=0, Y=6, W=4, H=1 },
  { command = "add", element="button",  name="factorminus",  label="Factor-",  X=0, Y=7, W=4, H=1 },
  { command = "add", element="label",  label="Factor: " .. mem.factor,  X=4, Y=6.5 },

  { command = "add", element="button_exit",  name="sethome",  label="Set home",  X=4, Y=0, W=4, H=1 },
  { command = "add", element="button_exit",  name="gohome",   label="Go home",   X=4, Y=1, W=4, H=1 },

  { command = "add", element="button_exit",  name="lock",  label="Lock",  X=4, Y=5, W=4, H=1 }}))

local function update_touch()
  digiline_send("touch", { command = "replace", index = 9,
    element = "label", label = "Factor: " .. mem.factor, X = 5.375, Y = 8.5 })

if event.type == "program" then

if event.type == "digiline" and event.channel == "touch" then
 mem.touch_event = event.msg
 digiline_send("jumpdrive",  {command="get"})

if event.type == "digiline" and event.channel == "jumpdrive" and event.msg.target then
 local jump = false
 local increment = ((event.msg.radius*2)+1)*mem.factor
 if mem.touch_event.lock then
  digiline_send("touch", { command = "clear" })

 elseif mem.touch_event.sethome then
  mem.home = event.msg.position

 elseif mem.touch_event.gohome and mem.home then
  digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", {x = mem.home.x, y = mem.home.y, z = mem.home.z}})
  jump = true

 elseif mem.touch_event.yplus then
  digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", key="y", value=event.msg.target.y+increment})
  jump = true

 elseif mem.touch_event.yminus then
  digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", key="y", value=event.msg.target.y-increment})
  jump = true

 elseif mem.touch_event.xplus then
  digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", key="x", value=event.msg.target.x+increment})
  jump = true

 elseif mem.touch_event.xminus then
  digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", key="x", value=event.msg.target.x-increment})
  jump = true

 elseif mem.touch_event.zplus then
  digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", key="z", value=event.msg.target.z+increment})
  jump = true

 elseif mem.touch_event.zminus then
  digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", key="z", value=event.msg.target.z-increment})
  jump = true

 elseif mem.touch_event.factorplus then
  mem.factor = mem.factor + 1

 elseif mem.touch_event.factorminus then
  mem.factor = mem.factor - 1
  if mem.factor < 1 then
   mem.factor = 1


 if jump then
  digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="jump"})

Some more comments explaining what the convert function is about and why it is needed, would make understanding the formulas like "v*2*15/13*0.35" better.