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This account is played by same human that plays SwissalpS.

It was created to test current game advancement with the public services. The mission of this account was to create a public quarry. This was done without leeching from the riches of alt account.

The journey started at POS in Fruitland. Grabbed a couple sticks, charcoal and sand. Made a bunch of SGGS and picked up some corn at sunkenhero's public farm in Mystic City. Bought bags at kitty's shop. Used the elevator at POS to go to lowest station, walked forward and a bit to the right and started digging straight down. Closed the entrance with cobble. Once some mithril was collected, went to Submoonine to get gliders and a replacer. Used /home and the inventory home to quickly teleport back to last two positions in digging progress. At about this time, two or three compasses were crafted. One pointing to Submoonine and the other to Prefab 2 factory. Kept digging this way stashing whatever was collected in bags until those ores needed processing to compact.

At -7777 bags were starting to get full and since a jump drive was already crafted, first camp was errected: one water source 7x7 soil over it, corn planted and SGGS over it all. 3 furnaces and two anvils. Soon cactus was added and travelnets crafted. These were now placed at places that had been passed and saved with compasses.

The Quarry digs twice, jumps a ships length then digs again. Beacons at the bottom give light as digging progresses they turn off and on again. Once digging of inward facing quarries is done, the beams stay on until shortly before jump.

Most of the ores are ground, smelted and compacted. Some items are sent to public teleport channels:

  • default.sand
  • default.flint
  • technic.marble
  • default?.granite
  • group.seed (tomato, cucumber, carrot an, corn)

Latex and papyrus are also produced on the ship. The seeds from cotton are processed to bread and the cotton to bags, ropes and cushions.