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A Digibuilder is a Digiline device used to place nodes around it. It looks like Digibuilder.png.

Crafting Recipe

A Digibuilder is made by crafting 8 Luacontrollers in a ring around a Diamond Block.

Digiline Interactions

Getting a node

  command = "getnode",
  pos = { x=1, y=0, z=0 }
  -- { error = true, message = "..." }: error
  -- { pos = { x=1, y=0, z=0 }, name = "default:stone" }: a stone block
  -- { pos = { x=1, y=0, z=0 }, name = "stairs:stair_stone", param2 = 3 }: a stair with info on param2 (rotation)

Setting a node

  command = "setnode",
  pos = { x=1, y=0, z=0 },
  param2 = 3,
  name = "stairs:stair_stone"

  -- { error = true, message = "..." }: error
  -- { pos = { x=1, y=0, z=0 }, success = true, name = "default:stone" }: a stone block
  -- { pos = { x=1, y=0, z=0 }, success = true, name = "stairs:stair_stone", param2 = 3 }: a stair with info on param2 (rotation)


-- This program makes a :) out of dirt.

-- Place the digibuilder 1 block above the ground, make sure its channel is "digibuilder".
-- Put at least 7 dirt inside it.

pos = {{x=1,z=1},{x=1,z=-1},{x=-2,z=0},{x=-2,z=1},{x=-2,z=-1},{x=-1,z=2},{x=-1,z=-2}} -- You can change these positions to draw something else.

-- We use interrupts because the luacontroller would burn if we sent them all at the same time.
if event.type == "program" then 
  -- Initialization
  mem.index = 1
elseif event.type == "interrupt" then
  if mem.index < #pos+1 then -- Don't want to go off the edge!
    p = pos[mem.index] -- Get position
    digiline_send("digibuilder", { -- Place the dirt.
      command = "setnode",
      pos = {x=p.x,y=-1,z=p.z},
      name = "default:dirt"
    mem.index = mem.index + 1