Alien contest by Peanut

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Alien contest by Peanut
Screenshot from 2020-12-14 02-14-27.png
Map {{{maplocation}}}
Theme Alien
Contact 6r1d
Start: End:
dates not yet selected dates not yet selected

Alien contest by Peanut event description

Best Alien-themed Build. It can be a building, weapon, house and a statue.

Event timetable

Start: Deadline:
dates not yet selected dates not yet selected

At December 14, 2020, Peanut proposed to donate a nice jumpdrive ship. 6r1d had an idea: start a contest.

The ship

Peanut's contest ship screenshot

The prize ship for a contest can be currently seen at:

X: -2153 Y: 24 Z: 1382


At this point, the start and end dates are not yet selected, the voting booth location isn't yet setected.

Since a lot of events will be happening soon and I don't know a lot of them, I encourage everyone to join the discussion, so we can select the most appropriate start and end date, conditions, etc.