
From Pandorabox
Revision as of 21:40, 20 September 2022 by FeXoR (talk | contribs)
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Hiho Pandorabox o/

I love this place for the large variety of functional modifications like technic, mesecon, pipeworks, digiline and modifications extending those.

I also value the transparency of this server due to this wiki and its contents like the mod list.

The maintenance you pull off is awesome!

Thank you for this great place ;)


Glitchy things:

minetest.conf aux1_descends = true

keymap_increase_viewing_range_min = KEY_PLUS

keymap_decrease_viewing_range_min = KEY_MINUS

keymap_pitchmove =

autojump = false

keymap_screenshot = KEY_PRINT

screen_w = 1920

keymap_minimap = KEY_KEY_M

screen_h = 1025

keymap_cmd_local = KEY_PERIOD

keymap_mute =

maintab_LAST = settings

remote_port = 30000

keymap_hotbar_next =

doubletap_jump = false

keymap_camera_mode = KEY_KEY_V

name = FeXoR

address =

free_move = true

keymap_jump = KEY_KEY_Q

keymap_drop =

menu_last_game = minetest

keymap_hotbar_previous =

enable_client_modding = true

minimap_shape_round = false

mute_sound = false

viewing_range = 250

show_debug = true

node_highlighting = box

show_entity_selectionbox = true

noclip = false

keymap_toggle_block_bounds = KEY_F8

enable_waving_water = false

enable_waving_leaves = false

enable_waving_plants = false