Gameplay rebalance June 2019

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The current gameplay is far too easy:

Statement from User:Peanut

I understand mods are added, so mods need to be removed. Like Day/Night. BUT what I have noticed on this site is how simple a new player can go from nothing to building a house with a gold block wall ! To many teleporters, open access to to space, androids, etc. Worse still, they get "drunk" on minerals , start ambitious projects they never will finish, use both our resources and the server resources. If you have to take "time" priv you must be struggling, I advise that you make it harder to reach resources that are frankly wasted. New player need wool iron and 1 mese block (space suit) to rape resources. It's becoming funny to watch. It took me months to dig and dig everything before I found out how players where building diamond houses!!!! Recommend, priv on teleporters and XP before you can "dig" off the earth. Otherwise, you will see the reAL "crew" leave and the site full of one time thrill seekers. (just my thoughts) Peanut x

I (User:admin/User:BuckarooBanzai) do agree with that:

The server should be pretty friendly and easy, but in the current state there is just far too easy access to overwhelming wealth...


Here are a few proposals, feel free to comment/modify/add-to those

Travel restrictions

  • XP Restriction on travelnets
    • For example: 50k xp are needed to travel to the moon / 100k xp to the asteroid zone
  • Travelnet outage/limit
    • Maybe a limit on how many times per hour traveling is possible would promote more "thinking before traveling" (just an idea)
  • Train fare
    • meh, trains are way too cool for that :)

Dangerous mobs

This should lead to more ships being built with quarries on them..

Dangerous environment

Asteroid resources

  • There are still a few block-resources (diamonds, gold, etc) from the prototype asteroid
    • those need to be removed somehow, maybe some automated replacement


  • settime priv
    • I'm still open for suggestions about that one, maybe something that does not get abused lightly...